Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Bling your Google site - adding buttons and background images

Thank you to all the attendees at todays Manaiakalani Toolkit on Blinging your site. 

We went through a step by step guide of how to update your site background/wrapper image and how to create functional buttons. 

If you missed it or need a recap, please enjoy my powerpoint presentation with step by step instructions. 

I recommend naming your Google Draws as the size and button template eg. 4cm x 4cm button template. After you download each button/image as PNG, you can adapt and edit it suit your next button. This way they end up the same size and looking swish. 

It was a pleasure to share some of my learning with others today, I look forward to learning from others in the Manaiakalani community at the next toolkit. 

Hei konā mai, ngā mihi. 


This blogpost relates to me meeting the registered teaching criterion 4 & 5. 

4. demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional learning and development of personal professional practice

ii. participate responsively in professional learning opportunities within the learning community
iii. initiate learning opportunities to advance personal professional knowledge and skills
5. show leadership that contributes to effective teaching and learning
i. actively contribute to the professional learning community
ii. undertake areas of responsibility effectively 

Teaching Sport and Athletics

So it turns out something I always thought that I was really bad at, I am actually pretty good at teaching. As the old saying goes 'those who can't teach'. I've never been a fan of that saying, but in this case. Yes.

At school and throughout my early twenties I hated, and was appalling at sport. Sure I played in social netball teams and tried my hand at backyard cricket but I was never any good at it. During my mid twenties I took it upon myself to learn about healthy lifestyle and fitness, spending a period of time working at Les Mills gym and receiving personal sports training from a NZ world ranked decathlete. I find that these experiences, applied with my developed skills and knowledge of sport technique and fitness have left me in a rather competent position to teach athletics to my class.

This morning we had athletics training for the upcoming inter-school competition. I really enjoyed being able to teach the class simple tips and techniques which helped them fly over the high jump bar. Some still didn't make it over the bar, but did improve and were able to feel the satisfaction of the improvement... I really enjoyed seeing the improvements just as much as the children did.

So it turns out that I am actually pretty good at teaching (if I do say so myself) athletics. I am writing a blog about this because as a child and teenager I disliked athletics so much, therefore my goal is to make sure that reluctant athletes (like my previous self) do not suffer the same disdain as I did.

Afterwards the class wrote reflections about the high jump, I was really pleased to see they too noticed how the technique I taught them helped!

This Blogpost relates to RTC: 
2. demonstrate commitment to promoting the well-being of all ākonga. 
i. take all reasonable steps to provide and maintain a teaching and learning environment that is physically,  socially, culturally and emotionally safe
7. promote a collaborative, inclusive and supportive learning environment
ii. foster trust, respect and cooperation with and among ākonga

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Building relationships with ākonga

This blogpost relates to Registered Teaching Criteria 1. 
1. establish and maintain effective professional relationships focused on the learning and well-being of ākonga
i. engage in ethical, respectful, positive and collaborative professional relationships with:
  • ākonga
  • teaching colleagues, support staff and other professionals
  • whānau and other carers of ākonga
  • agencies, groups and individuals in the community

I was absolutely chuffed to see this blogpost over the holidays from one of my year 8 students. 

This particular student has consistently throughout the year told herself and others that she is dumb. It breaks my heart to hear this, and I have had several discussions with her about this in attempt to build her confidence and self-efficacy. 

I explain to her that she isn't dumb because she is aware that there are things which she doesn't understand, yet. It is this understanding that will keep her inquisitive and striving to learn more. I've also been reading about how it is important to praise learners for their efforts, rather than ability. Therefore I am always encouraging her for her hard work, and focusing on the things she has done well, and how she worked hard to achieve it. This blogpost tells me that she realises this hard work is paying off and planning to keep working hard to achieve. I am so proud of her and feeling that the relationships I am building with my learners are advantageous.