Thursday, 13 November 2014

Manaiakalani Film Festival

Last night I was able to be a part of our MANAIAKALANI FILM FESTIVAL. 
Teachers and Learners from our 12 cluster schools make short (3 minute) films to showcase their learning. 

This year I took a group of keen movie makers in a 'film club' as part of my schools elective programme. 

In this group we followed our school inquiry theme of Being Prepared for a Natural Disaster. 
However, what if there was another type of disaster? Of the supernatural kind... 

Our learners explored this and found out how to be prepared for any kind of disaster... 

Speaker 1: Good afternoon good people of Manaiakalani. In news today there has been reports of traffic congestion around the sylvia park area. Reports of a butter chicken sell out at Spice trader. And most importantly there have been sightings of big screen celebrities at the hoyts xtreme screen cinema….

Speaker 2: … WAIT!! (Interrupts. Holds hand out in front of Speaker 1 other hand to her ear) This just in…. What I can’t hear you, you’re breaking up… ? (PAUSE, looking up to  side/listening to earpiece) Reports of strange creatures being seen in Glen Innes. Flesh? Flesh eating What?

Speaker 1: (Interrupting): Flesh WHaT? (PANICKING) WHere? Here..??

Speaker 2: Shhhhh… Stay Calm ...There’s nothing to worry about here people…. (EXIT OFF STAGE)

The students were involved in directing, scene selection, editing the final cut, sound effects and selecting the backing music. For most learners this was their first experience in movie making. When completing a reflection at the end, the main "What I would do differently next time" comment was that students didn't like the face paint... instead preferring masks.

Last night this movie was screened at the HOYTS XTREME SCREEN cinema. It was amazing to see the production (and the other amazing entries) on the big screen. The students loved seeing themselves and their friends on the big screen, and a highlight for me was seeing all the children coming out of the cinema talking about the Zombies! They loved it.


  1. Awesome short film!

  2. This was a wonderful example of Learn Create Share. You should be very proud of this.
